Mudiad Meithrin is the main provider of Welsh-medium early years care and education in the voluntary sector. There are over 500 cylch meithrins in Wales where around 18,000 children are given the opportunity to learn through play through the medium of Welsh.
Formed in 1984, Cylch Meithrin y Parc falls under the governance of Mudiad Meithrin, and is inspected regularly by ESTYN, Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales and Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin itself.
As well as boasting a proud track record as a high-quality pre-school education provider, we at Cylch Meithrin y Parc take pride in the fantastic relationship we’ve nurtured with parents and guardians over the years. We welcome involvement from parents/guardians in all aspects of the running of Cylch Meithrin y Parc and take a parent-led approach to fundraising.
- We are a charity, number 504582
- We are part of the Mudiad Meithrin network